Praise, Worship & Thanksgiving

Praise, Worship & Thanksgiving

Psalms 149-150 (New King James Version) Praise to God for His Salvation and Judgment 1 Praise the LORD! Sing to the LORD a new song, And His praise in the assembly of saints. 2 Let Israel rejoice in their Maker; Let the children of Zion be joyful in their King. 3 Let them praise His name with the dance; Let them sing praises to Him with the timbrel and harp. 4 For the LORD takes pleasure in His... [Read more]



By coming into the beloved-hood of God, your life was redeemed, translated and transformed into the image of Christ in order to triumph in every place be it in the – valleys, mountains, hills, crooked roads and rough places of life. 2 Corinthians 2:14 “Now thanks be unto God, which always causes us to triumph in Christ, and makes manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.”  Read More →

Doer of The WORD

Doer of The WORD

TOPIC: DOER OF THE WORD BIBLE TEXT: James 1:22-25; Psalm 19:7-14; 119:9-16; Luke 4:1-13. INTRODUCTION: The need to be a doer of all what we have been exposed to as in  the Bible teachings cannot be over-emphasized, for the Bible says, if we know and do these things, then are we blessed (Jam. 1:25).  Faith without work is dead, to be a hearer and not a doer, will leave a Christians – powerless and... [Read more]

Knowing And Feeding On The WORD

Knowing And Feeding On The WORD

TOPIC:  KNOWING & FEEDING ON THE WORD OF GOD TEXT: I John 5:7, 11; John 1:1-5; 17:3; Psalm 119: 1-22; Deut. 17:14-20; Revelation 5:9-10; 1:5-6; 1Peter 2:5, 9. INTRODUCTION: The BIBLE, Which is the Word, the Will, the Testimony, the Covenant, The Testament of God, has been describe as the “Blessed Information Bringing Life Eternal”.  The Christian life is a race, a journey in which there... [Read more]

Believers’ Fellowship

Believers’ Fellowship

TOPIC: BELIEVERS’ FELLOWSHIP TEXT: Psalm 133; Genesis 49:10; Acts 2:44-47, 1 Peter3:8, 1 Corinthians 1:9; 1 John 1:3; Matthew 5:21-26; 1 Corinthians 6:1-12; Matthew 18:15-20. MEMORY VERSE: “Not forsaking the assemblies of ourselves together as the manner (habit) of some is, but exhorting (communing with) one another; and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching”. Hebrews 10:25. INTRODUCTION:... [Read more]

True Worship

True Worship

TOPIC: TRUE WORSHIP BIBLE TEXT: John 4:19-24; Revelation 4 & 5; Deuteronomy 18:9-14; Job 32:8; 33:4; 1 Thessalonian 5:23; Hebrews 4:12-13. MEMORY VERSE: “God [is] a Spirit and those that worship him must worship [him] in spirit and truth”. John 4:24. INTRODUCTION: The act – “WORSHIP” – is defined as the feeling or expression of reverence, devotion, veneration, exalting, glorifying,... [Read more]

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