Daily Transformation
TOPIC: DAILY TRANSFORMATION TEXT:Romans 12:1-2; 2 Corinthians 3:1-18; Luke 9:28-36. INTRODUCTION: As a charismatic, dynamic and living ministerial Church in the body of Christ, we’ve declare YEAR 2011 as a crown year of “Brightening Your Life” with God’s Goodness – Psalm 65:11-13; Proverbs 4:18; John 8:12; John 1:1-5, 9 etc. The Word Transformation is a noun and it means a marked changed... [Read more]

Brightening Your Life
Brightening Your Life With God’s Goodness! The good Lord intend to crown our year and flourish our life with His goodness, and to cause our paths to drop with His Abundance. This He will do as we allow Him to brighten our life with His life. More of this will be expanded in course of the pastoral ministry in Church services by our dear pastor, Revd Chukie MORSI. There is a study outline... [Read more]

Incline To Shine
The theme we have chosen for January is Incline to Shine. Much more details of the theme will be expanded in course of the pastoral ministry in church services. However, you can obtain much more understanding in our Scripture Search Study themed “Daily Transformation” of category search menu. Proverbs 4: 18, 20- 22 . . . 18But the path of the just is like the shining sun, That shines... [Read more]

Understanding The Birth Of JESUS CHRIST
UNDERSTANDING THE BIRTH OF CHRIST Scriptural Text: Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 2:1-20; 1 John 4:1-6 INTRODUCTION: The prophesy as to the birth of our personal Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has been predicted many years before His birth in the Holy Scriptures as found in Isaiah 9:6-7 and Isaiah 7:14. The Holy Prophets on divine inspiration and revelation were empowered to speak forth as they were moved by... [Read more]

Christian Men & Their Role In Local Church Matters
TOPIC: “Christian Men & Their Role In The Local Church Matters” BIBLE TEXT: 1 Peter 2:5, 9; Matthew 16:17-19; Ephesians 5:22-33 INTRODUCTION (Preamble): The Christian men have a lot to do and contribute in the affairs of the local church. The local church is an extension of the family. Just as the man play a very major part in the family decision, he also need to know that the kingdom of God... [Read more]

<a href=”http://www.redemptionlifeinternational.org/welcome”><img src=”http://www.redemptionlifeinternational.org/wp-content/themes/corporate_20/images/welcome.jpg” width=”225″ style=”margin-bottom: 5px”></a> <h2>Welcome</h2> Welcome to the City of God, an Oasis and Citadel of Redemption @ REDEMPTION LIFE INTERNATIONAL... [Read more]

Monthly REDEMPTION Declaration

Spiritual Fruit Bearing
TOPIC: SPIRITUAL FRUIT BEARING (FRUITFULNESS) BIBLE TEXT: John 15:1-8, 16; 2 Peter 1:1-11; Galatians 5:22-23; Mark 11:12-14, 20-21. INTRODUCTION: God desires fruitfulness for all His children – unfruitfulness is not of God. God is a blossoming God and delights to see His own, walk and live in this covenant right. Spiritual growth and fruitfulness are proof of our contact with the Spirit of God with... [Read more]

Intercessory Prayers Series 2
INTERCEDING FOR THE MINISTERS OF THE GOSPEL (Not Excluding Other Local Church Pastoral/Spiritual Leadership Teams) TEXT: Zechariah 3:1-8, Acts 14:19-20, Deuteronomy 3:23-28; Colossians 4:17 INTRODUCTION: Amongst all the children of God, Ministers are the most vulnerable to attacks by the enemy because they occupy a very precious position. Except by the discerning of Spirits and revelation gifts of... [Read more]

Intercessory Prayers Series 1
INTERCEDING FOR THE NATION “Prayer for the Nation’s is an inescapable duty and obligation of every Believer in order to thwart and avert the works of the enemy, to advance the Gospel and to ensure the prosperity and well-being of Nation’s” TEXT: 1Timothy 2:1-4; Psalm 8:1-2, 110:1-6, Jeremiah 51:20-23. INTRODUCTION: The Lord Jesus Christ is the king of kings and the Lord of lord. He is the... [Read more]